land management

Land management and rehabilitation part 4: More than methodology needed

Habitat restoration can be done in a variety of ways that are well-documented and taught globally. But, although these restoration treatments are widely used, they are often not successful in the long term. “It seems that there is more to successful habitat restoration than just mere methodol­ogy,” says Ken[...]

By Specialist Writer|8th September 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: |

Land management and rehabilitation part 3: What are we talking about?

In the previous two parts of this series, we had a look at the impact humans have had on the environment during the past 100 years and how they have lost the spirit of a land ethic, which can be re-instilled to empower land managers to do the right[...]

By Specialist Writer|17th August 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , , , |

Land management and rehabilitation part 2: In search of a lost ethic

by Tisha Steyn Modern man has moved away from a clear commitment to a responsible land ethic. This conviction is expressed by Ken Coetzee of Conservation Management Services, in the revised second edition of his book, Caring for Natural Rangelands. This land ethic must be restored, he claims. In[...]

By Specialist Writer|14th July 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: |

Land management and rehabilitation part 1: Land deterioration, the bitter fruits of careless exploitation

by Tisha Steyn Humans have been modifying their environment for thousands of years. The earliest modifications had little impact, but as human numbers and ingenuity increased, natural resources were gradually depleted and, in some instances, destroyed. Ken Coetzee of Conservation Management Services, who gained valuable experience in managing natural[...]

By Specialist Writer|12th June 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , |
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