goat farming

Farming with goats part 9: Economics of keeping goats

It is important to understand your expected costs and profit based on your system. This will allow you to plan strategically for the coming seasons. Planning ahead is a vital part of any business, and this is especially true for agricultural businesses. Various factors influence the economics of your[...]

By Specialist Writer|19th July 2021|Categories: Animal handling, Articles|Tags: , , |

Goat production guide – Part 5: Turn your goat farming into a commercial business

Transforming from a subsistence or emerging farmer into a commercial farmer does not only mean that you will be working with higher volumes, but it also requires you to adapt your management practices to enable you to stay in control of your growing flock. Some general management practices will[...]

By Specialist Writer|8th March 2021|Categories: Articles, Stock and game farming|Tags: , , |
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