banana production
Banana production in Africa part 5: Harvesting and marketing
Harvesting The right time to harvest bananas is quite important and tricky. It must be when they are swollen and green but before they become ripe (plump and yellow). Do not harvest too early (when the bananas are thin and dark green) or too late (when they are thick[...]
Banana production in Africa part 4: Controlling weeds and pest control
Controlling weeds and pests in banana production is essential to ensure healthy growth and maximise yields. Here are some methods for weed and pest control: Weed Control: Manual weeding: Hand-pulling weeds is effective but labourintensive. Mulching: Applying organic mulch helps suppress weed growth. Herbicides: Selective herbicides can be used[...]
Banana production in Africa part 3: Desucker, irrigate, and bag for better results
Desuckering of a banana plant means cutting off unwanted shoots from the stems of the mother banana plant. This will increase the banana plant size. Proper watering of the banana plant is very important to ensure proper growth and production. Read more below, especially about drip irrigation. When customers[...]
Banana production in Africa part 2: Planting and fertilising
A banana does not only taste nice, it also has nutritional value, and banana plants can grow in most African countries. Farmers in Africa can consider planting bananas as an option for income or personal use. In this article we give more information on how to plant and fertilise[...]
Banana Production in Africa part 1: Nurturing a fruitful future
Banana production in Africa has become a pivotal force in both local economies and global agriculture. This article explores the significance of banana cultivation on the continent, highlighting key aspects such as varieties grown, cultivation practices, economic impact, and challenges faced by farmers. The planning of banana production before[...]