Avi Africa

AVI Africa 2020 Poultry Conference cancelled

As South Africa battens down the hatches to contain the spread of the global Covid-19 pandemic, a great many organisations face difficult decisions. It is impossible to predict what the outcomes and timelines of the pandemic will be, as things are changing daily. In the light of the uncertainty[...]

By Specialist Writer|23rd March 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Vele pronkvere by die AVI Africa-skou.

Die pluimveebedryf skrik nie vir AGOA, of die droogte of die pekelwaterkwessie nie. AVI Africa se uitstallers wat onlangs die saal in Caesars Palace in Kemptonpark volgestaan het, het dit duidelik bewys. “Ons kan enige landbouproduk skuif,” sê Wietsche Roets, Unitrans se sake-ontwikkelings-bestuurder. Een van hulle grootste kliënte is[...]

By Specialist Writer|15th July 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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