Categories: Magazine, Magazine (Zambia)Published On: 20th November 2023

ProAgri Zambia 94

By 2 min read
410 words


Adapt … and flourish!

I recently came across an interesting and mind-blowing news article. Most cattle farmers are sure to do thorough research before choosing a suitable breed of cattle for their farms. Popular cattle breeds in Africa include the Bonsmara, Ankole, Nguni, Afrikaner and Boran, because they are able to adapt and survive in Africa. Some farmers and breeders may also be fond of the beautiful little black beast: the Dexter. These gentle and easy to handle, but hardy animals are one of the world’s smallest bovine breeds.

Approximately 27 years ago, 16 Dexters escaped into the Addo Elephant National Park from a farm nearby. The Dexters survived for 27 years among the wild animals and despite the lack of any human contact, remained in
excellent physical condition.

Is this not an amazing story? Imagine these small domesticated animals being able to survive for all those years undetected in Addo. Even more incredible is that they were able to breed and sustain the herd in that time. Shows how ferocious they must have been to
protect their calves from the lions and hyenas!

It just goes to show that where there is a will, there is a way, no matter how challenging it may seem! New in Zambia and what you can
expect from this edition of ProAgri Zambia: Good news this month is that a good maize season is predicted despite challenges. Spurred by input subsidies and sustained output of the country’s staple food in recent years, Zambia remains one of the main exporters of maize in Africa, despite some climate change effects, invasion of pests, post-harvest losses, and frustrating marketing processes.

According to the agricultural ministry, in the 2022/23 farming season, Zambia’s maize output was 3,3million tonnes, slightly lower than the 3,6million tonnes produced in 2021/22. Aided by increased production area and productivity, Zambia has induced robust food production and doubled its maize production over the past 20 years, said the ministry, prompting neighboring countries and beyond to look to Zambia to supplement their deficits.

SeedCo provides farmers with some insightful information and guidelines on how to establish a successful maize crop, read more on page 34. Looking for reliable and efficient power solutions? SARO Agro has got you covered with their wide range of generators and solar solutions. Read more on page 5.

Join us in uncovering the stories that cultivate the essence of Zambia’s agricultural resilience. Until next time!

ProAgri greetings

Bianca Henning –


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