Categories: Articles, Crop productionPublished On: 20th November 2020

Orion Irresistible Pecans: The pecan nut trees that thrive in Sub Saharan Africa

By 4 min read
686 words

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Jaco van Zyl, owner of Orion Irresistible Pecans, is proud of these bagged small trees, ready for shipment.

The pecan industry has a rich and stable history, and the future looks even brighter. Since the 1800s it has shown steady growth, but since China entered the market, that steady growth skyrocketed.

Over the last decade, more and more farmers started planting pecan trees with the hope that they will get a piece of that success. The industry is still in its adolescent phase and continues to establish itself. Much research must be done for further development.

China’s interest in pecans acted as the first catalyst to the increased plantings, but the financial opportunity that followed proved to be the most significant stimulus. Farmers who struggled to make a living off traditional row crops turned to permanent crops as a solution to their financial woes.

The boom in nut prices in recent years is expected to continue as consumers opt for healthier foods. This convinced more and more farmers to replace their crops with pecan trees.

While pecan farming can be a lucrative venture, aspiring growers must begin with a solid foundation.

Pecan nut farming is a long-term investment, dependent on the producer making the correct choices early in the business. Choosing the right location, cultivar and land preparation technique are crucial to ensure orchards function optimally from the start, and that the return on investment is maximised.

One of the biggest challenges facing potential pecan farmers is the long wait for a return on investment. It takes six to eight years for a tree to start producing, and around 10 years until a farmer can start turning a profit.

Orchards expected to bear fruit for multiple generations require perfect planning. Any shortcuts taken in the beginning could cost the farmer for years to come. Farmers considering nut farming must order trees timeously as plant material is scarce nowadays. Trees are ordered by cultivar and then the nurseries start to propagate them accordingly.

While pecan trees like dry conditions, they also require wet roots, and prefer short, cold winters and long, hot summers. Pecan trees need 285 days a year for growing, with warm nights.

The trees can handle frost, as the low temperature ensures the tree goes into complete dormancy, which ensures even growth in spring.

High-humidity areas are susceptible to scab, therefore farmers in such areas should invest in tolerant varieties.

While pecan trees can grow in shallow soil, the soil should be between at least 100 to 150cm deep for commercial production.

Orion Irresistible Pecans take care to breed and grow exquisite quality pecan trees.

Choose your nursery with care

Farmers must source quality trees. Before placing an order, farmers should ask where the nursery gets its rootstock or seed and whether it can guarantee that the variety is pure. Since there has been a shortage of trees, many new nurseries have popped up that are not accredited.

South Africa did not lag behind, and many pecan farms and nurseries sprouted all over the country to supply the industry. Some of these nurseries export their young trees to other Sub Saharan African countries. Orion Irresistible Pecans is one of those.

This nursery farm is accredited with all the regulatory bodies, and is located between Wesselsbron and Bothaville in the Free State province of South Africa. They have over 8 000 trees in their orchard and the nursery offers four varieties – Choctaw, Navaho, Sutex and Wichita. They supply bagged trees in different sizes.

Orion Irresistible Pecans’ bagged trees are grown and prepared in the nursery and are ready to be planted.

The orchards on Orion Irresistible Pecans nursery farm are sprayed with zinc and foliage nutrition.

This method holds many benefits:

•The replant success rate is higher

•The health, quality and variety are already visible

•It reaches the production stage faster

Pecan farming is an expensive and long-term investment. If done properly, it could ensure an income for many generations to come. In the US, there are productive orchards over 100 years old.

Order your trees before it is too late. Contact Hannes van Zyl at +27(0)82-572-5635 or e-mail, or Visit their website at


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