Categories: Articles, News, Stock and game farmingPublished On: 11th November 2022

Weekly Livestock Report -7 Nov 22

By 1 min read
235 words

amt livestock

Photo: AMT Livestock report

Cattle: Weaner prices stabilized the past week due to stable demand and supply and the moment.

Sheep: Supply stabilized while demand increased which resulted in slaughter and lamb prices to increase the past week as well.

Goats: Large and small goat prices stayed sideways while goat ewe prices decreased due to lower demand. Based on seasonal trends, we are expecting prices to stay on a lower level over the short term, but possible higher demand towards the end of November can result in higher prices over the period again.

Pork: Higher demand resulted in the local prices to increase the past week.

Poultry: The local frozen and fresh prices increased the past week on the back of higher demand and higher import parity prices last week.

FEED -Price movements

Maize– The yellow maize price is 0.81% higher compared to the previous week, 4.48% higher than a month ago and 45.62% higher than last year the same time.

Sunflower – The price is 5.37% higher compared to the previous week, 9.97% higher than a month ago and 10.94% higher than last year the same time.

Soy meal (48% cif) – The price is 0.58% higher compared to the previous week, 2.12% higher than a month ago and 29.55% higher than last year the same time.

Lucerne (supreme quality) – The price is 3.33% higher compared to last week, 3.33% higher than a month ago and 96.83% higher than last year the same time.


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