
Land Rover Discovery kicks compromise into touch

By Dirk Gallowitz, Pictures by Richard Wiley Land Rover has enjoyed a long association with rugby at the highest level and after spending a couple of days with the All-New Discovery, I suspect the association is rubbing off as the Ukbased manufacturer has produced a new model that[...]

By Specialist Writer|20th December 2017|Categories: Zambia|Tags: , , |

LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 5: Mollig, maar Rats

Deur Dirk Gallowitz van Ultimate Drive Onmiddellike byval was die reaksie toe Land Rover sy eerste generasie Discovery in die laat jare tagtigs bekendgestel het. Skielik was daar ’n hardebaardveldryer waarmee jy ook Sondag kerk toe kan ry sonder dat dit voel jy bestuur ’n plaaswerktuig. Die luukser Range[...]

By Specialist Writer|18th December 2017|Categories: Wheels|Tags: , , , |
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