Armoured Mobility
Pantser jouself só teen die aanslae op ons paaie
Dit is geen geheim dat Suid Afrika se paaie verskeie risiko’s inhou nie, of dit nou ontvoerings, kapings of klipgooiery is, ons is daagliks in gevaar op ons paaie. Veral wanneer jy in verkeer vasval, by ‘n verkeerslig stilstaan of by ‘n plaashek moet stilhou, moet jy op jou[...]
Securing the harvest: Armoured Mobility’s bulletproof vehicles transform farm security
There is a growing concern in our farming sector that farm-related murders, kidnappings, and attacks are on the rise. The 2022 farm murder report, which was released by AfriForum earlier this year, paints a sombre picture, revealing that while farm attacks have decreased from 415 in 2021 to 333[...]