Categories: Magazine, Magazine (Zambia)Published On: 19th August 2019

ProAgri Zambia 043

By 1 min read
280 words

ProAgri Zambia Issue 043_Voorblad

The ACSZ Show was almost a no go a month or two ago when the Ministry of Agriculture announced that all agricultural shows were cancelled due to the heavy droughts. Luckily, the ACSZ Show fought back and missed that curfew.

Although Zambia experienced heavy droughts over the past 3 years, it didn’t stop the agricultural community from presenting themselves in the capital. The 93rd show was a success and very few stands were unoccupied.

The show managed to maintain a healthy balance between exhibitions for commercial farmers and small-scale farmers, and every province presented their services and produce in a very neat way. There were also many international pavilions, proving confidence in Zambia’s agricultural industry. Unfortunately, things looked normal on the outside, but business was down – as expected. Especially foreign businesses complained that their stock wasn’t moving like in previous years. It showed that the struggling broader economy of Zambia has a direct influence on the buying power of our citizens.

It is in our government’s hand to turn his crisis around. Zambia is one of the most favourable countries in Africa for agricultural and commercial investors, due to its great soil potential, minerals and political stability. We have managed to maintain this status up to now – let us continue to do so in future.

The ASCZ Show article is our main attraction in this month’s edition, and we put out a warning to farmers to prevent lumpy skin disease. Technoserve is working hard to curb grain losses. Our running series are still full of valuable information and practical knowledge.

Farm smartly!

Du Preez de Villiers –


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